
A selection of articles profiling Michael Payne as one of the global leaders in the Business of Sport

Business of Sport–

A selection of articles profiling Michael Payne as one of the global leaders in the Business of Sport.

Familiar Rings;–

Commercial Success of Olympics Leaves challenging legacy – Wall St Journal 1998.

Olympic SalesMan–

tries life in the fast lane – The Times 2004.

Straight Talk

Michael Payne’s Toon In! is required reading – 3 Wire Sports 2022

Olympic sponsorship

Michael Payne’s creative vision for Olympic sponsorship has generated billions of dollars for the IOC – Sports Business Journal, 2022.

Michael Payne is a regular contributor on sports industry affairs to some of the world’s leading business and media publications, with articles, columns and OpEds.

1. Olympic Games

2.Olympic General

3.Olympic Business

4.FIFA Corruption Crisis – Sponsors.

5.Sports Governance

Commercial influences Minimal in Tokyo 2020 decision, insists IOC advisor. Sports Pro 2021

“I know that’s not the understanding in the media, and is maybe not the way it would work for all sports properties, but the Olympics has always had a very clear separation of church and state,” said Payne.
“Where the Games are held, what happens now with the Games in light of this, is a 99 per cent sporting decision, starting with the athletes and then the federations and NOCs [national Olympic committees].
“The broadcasters and the sponsors, obviously they’re dealing with logistical issues, and they would be advised continually of developments, but they’re not going to be consulted: ‘This is what we’re thinking, what do you think?’ Equally, most of the sponsors, ideally all of them, are not going to tell the IOC: ’This is what you’ve got to do.’
“This isn’t an existential crisis, the end of the Games, the end of the road. When I joined the IOC, [around the time of] the Moscow boycotts and Los Angeles boycotts, [it was] not just were the Games going to happen, would there ever be another Olympic Games?

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